dijous, d’octubre 11, 2012
Tremosa desmunta els arguments de la carta de Vidal-Quadras contra el procés català (VILAWEB 11/10/2012)
Tremosa desmunta els arguments de la carta de Vidal-Quadras contra el procés català
En una carta en anglès respon a les declaracions i a les amenaces del vice-president del Parlament Europeu
La polèmica oberta al Parlament Europeu per les declaracions incendiàries del vice-president de la cambra, Alejo Vidal-Quadras, contra el procés sobiranista de Catalunya té avui un nou episodi amb la resposta de l'eurodiputat de CiU, Ramon Tremosa, que ha enviat una carta en anglès a Vidal-Quadras, plena de referències, estudis, música i poesia. Entre més coses, Tremosa recorda els milers de catalans que foren assassinats, empresonats o que van haver d'exiliar-se durant la guerra del 36 per contestar les mentides que va dir Vidal-Quadras sobre la història catalana.
Tremosa fa un repàs dels arguments exposats per Vidal-Quadras en la carta que va enviar a tots els eurodiputats i els desmunta un per un. Explica quina és la situació d'espoliació fiscal de Catalunya respecte Espanya, amb un enllaç a la pàgina de la Fundació Catdem, on hi ha articles d'economistes catalans que en parlen.
L'eurodiputat de CiU explica que la lluita nacional de Catalunya ha estat sempre pacífica i que no pot acceptar que Vidal-Quadras la qualifiqui ara de 'gens pacífica ni democràtica'. Tremosa remet al resultat que pugui sortir del 25-N 'quan molts catalans s'expressaran en favor d'exercir el dret d'autodeterminació'. També destaca la diferència en la reacció dels governs britànic i espanyol a la voluntat de fer un referèndum d'Escòcia i Catalunya, respectivament.
A més, recorda que els únics que han actuat amb violència al llarg de la història recent han estat l'exèrcit espanyol i el règim franquista. I recorda que la causa política catalana ve de molt temps enrere, i ho corrobora amb un enllaç al document 'La deplorable història dels catalans' editat a Londres el 1713.
Finalment, Tremosa hi vincula el vídeo del poema de Màrius Torres 'La ciutat llunyana' musicat per la cantant Meritxell Gené i hi afegeix la lletra en anglès, francès i espanyol.
Carta en anglès de Ramon Tremosa a Vidal-Quadras i als eurodiputats de tots els grups
"Dear colleagues,
I would like to briefly reply to certain points and disinformation expressed by Vice-President Vidal-Quadras in his public letter sent last Wednesday 3rd of October to all Members, Assistants and Political Groups of this house.
1. - Attached you'll find an official report from the Spanish Government on 2005 fiscal imbalances between regions: on page 17, you'll find the fiscal deficit of Catalonia (net transfers to other regions) of that year: 14,808 M € (8.7% Catalan GDP) following the monetary flow methodology (the strongest to calculate fiscal flows between territories as the economic literature believes). Therefore, to affirm publicly that I am propagating economic fantasies is simply false.
In the webpage of the Think Tank CatDem http://www.it-intransit.eu/?issue=84 you will find articles in English of some of the best Catalan economists, most of them working in American universities.
2. - The Catalan struggle for national recognition has never been violent; therefore, I cannot accept the affirmation that it is "neither pacific nor democratic". We'll see in the Catalan elections on the 25th of November how many Catalans are in favour of exercising the right of self-determination. Last 26th of September the Catalan Parliament voted for it with 84 MPs in favour, 21 MPs against and 27 abstentions. All polls envisage a further fall of the pro-Spanish parties in the next Catalan Parliament.
Something curious happened yesterday afternoon. While the Spanish Parliament vetoed a possible referendum in Catalonia, in London, the British government agreed on the conditions for the referendum in Scotland on 2014. In my view; the right to self-determination is more important than independence, and above all, it should be respected.
3. - The ones who acted violently through history, have been the Spanish armies that bomb Barcelona and other Catalan cities for nearly 300 years. The Catalan President Lluís Companys was shot dead by Franco in 1940 after the Gestapo deported him from his exile in Paris. Moreover, Manuel Carrasco Formiguera one of the founders of the Catalan Christian-Democratic Party UDC (from which an MEP is now Member of the EPP) was shot dead by Franco in 1938, bypassing all the pressure in his favour from the Vatican and all the European Christian-Democratic parties of the time. Franco also executed dozens of Catalan and Basque catholic priests, even though he justified his armed rebellion in 1936 against the Spanish Republic as a "crusade against communism".
In memoriam of their life and death and that of thousands of Catalans that were killed, imprisoned or exiled in the last Spanish Civil War, I cannot accept the lies of Vice-President Vidal-Quadras on this point.
4. - The Catalan political cause comes from a long time ago. Attached you'll find the link for a booklet published in London in the year 1713 (http://www.llibrevell.cat/wp/the-deplorable-history-of-the-catalans/). Inside you'll find the transcription of the 5 debates that the English Parliament had "on the Catalan case". Catalonia was abandoned by the British army despite the military agreements signed in Geneva between Catalonia and England the year 1713.
With constructive and positive spirit, I attach a great Catalan poem from the Catalan author Màrius Torres (1910-1942) "La ciutat llunyana" in English, French and Spanish. It helped Catalan to endure 40 long years of Franco Dictatorship and expresses in a unique way our dream for freedom and democracy. Hereby you'll also find its beautiful musical version by Meritxell Gené.
Kind regards,
Ramon Tremosa-i-Balcells"
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